Friday, June 6, 2008

Illusion Sciences

Whoa! Trippy! Prepare to spend some time getting lost in these illusions!

Illusion Sciences is a blog by Arthur Shapiro, an Associate Professor at Bucknell University in the Department of Psychology and Program in Neuroscience. According to Arthur, "This blog is intended as a venue to discuss the “illusions” that I (and many vision scientists) create in order to study visual perception."

There's some really cool stuff to look at on here. I'd post links to the ones I like, but then I'd just start posting pretty much everything on the site. Just go check it out and lose yourself for a few minutes with these crazy illusions, and their very simple explanations!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Ok, I saw this a couple weeks ago, but this was really the first chance I had to post. Logólogos is a blog done by some Argentinian graphic artists. Really well done (though for some reason the cool header at the top isn't showing up for me today). They take logos and represent them using mathematical equations full of other logos. Some of my favs: Apple, Wikipedia, and Electrolux. Don't know spanish? Get it translated! Either way, check it out!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Updates will return in due time!

Sorry for the lack of posts the past couple weeks. I've been in a very volatile period of my life with everything turning upside down. My RSS feeds are so full that I don't have time to read them and just have to empty them, sadly. For a bit of an understanding of what's going on, check out my personal blog.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dirty Gingers

I feel like Eric Cartman wrote this. I came across Dirty Gingers when doing a Google image search for Carrot Top as part of a ridiculously bad running joke a friend and I had started. The page I happened to click on with a picture of him came from this post about him. He's really scary now. But I was intrigued by the site, so I explored. Of course, I had to check out the Lindsay Lohan posts, and the one dedicated to the gingers of South Park(though some of the pics are dead). There's some really funny stuff worth reading, so check it out! And if you are in fact a ginger (or go by the name Big Red, Clifford, or something and decided to dye your hair to get away from it), just know that blondes get made fun of just as much, so you're not alone.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ad goodness

Found on Frederik Samuel's site, ad goodness promotes itself as showcasing the best and sometimes the worst [advertising and design] around the globe. I like the post about Discovery Channel's rebranding. I didn't really like the new logo until the functionality of it was pointed out to me (especially how an icon made of the globe and D can now be made). It's fun to see all the creative things done all around the world, like BMW's literal launch of a new car and the coolest flashlight ads I have ever seen. And you can't go wrong w/ a site that has Coca-Cola and the Michelin Man in the top corner!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Do you pronounce it as an acronym? As one word? Who knows? (actually, it's an acronym for Piers and Simon (Fawkes and King)...a few guys who decided to start posting to a website instead of emailing this cool stuff back and forth to each other). Anyway, PSFK is a great blog about new trends in technology and other sectors. Just cool new things going on that they think you need to read about, too. They also publish full reports on trends and stuff, but that's irrelevant to this blog. If you know me, it's no surprise that I love this post about how Windows basically sucks at life. Keeping up with being innovative, I've decided to start offering RSS feed links to all blogs I post about which support them from here on out. So here's the first:

Monday, April 14, 2008

Dark Roasted Blend

I'm not a coffee drinker. But, I do enjoy Dark Roasted Blend. "Looking for weird and wonderful things to complement your daily coffee ritual?" asks the page. Well, as much as I like Neatorama and Presurfer, I found another fun site with random stuff to entertain me. These cars are pretty cool. These pictures are pretty funny, too. I like the stamp one! Check it out!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Presurfer

"A weblog about the weird, unusual, funny, strange and informative sites that can be found on the Internet." That's straight from The Presurfer. Done by a guy named Gerard Vlemmings from the Netherlands. Pretty good English, might I add. I'm kinda upset about one post. I'd had an idea like this for awhile...looks like someone beat me to it. And this may be one of the funniest examples of viral marketing ever! Almost makes me want to go to Iceland! Almost! Anyway, check this blog out!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Wow. What made this guy so angry? Who pissed him off? He literally hates everything and everyone - just read his profile on the left. But he's got a lot of good info on here - lots of interesting campaigns and stuff. Great opinion pieces on agencies (linked to other stuff he's done) and the like. Witty banter is amusing (maybe cuz he's a copy writer?). Everything gets a nice laugh. Anyway, check it out!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Stuff White People Like

I don't find it racist, and I'm white. Stuff White People Like is right on in describing certain things, such as 80s Night, The Daily Show/Colbert Report, and Dinner Parties. Great in describing these things, but they don't apply to ALL white people - just your stereotypical white people that don't fit into any other stereotypes (redneck, guido, etc.). And they could also apply to other ethnicities as well. It's become pretty well known, even been on the Drudge Report for news stories relating to the uproar at its racism(?). But these ARE things that white people like, so it's not like it's a lie. See the whole list here, but make sure to check it out!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Rut

Following up on See Mike Draw and Pencils at Dawn comes The Rut, a blog of comics done by Mike's partner/nemesis Phil. I really like this one and this one. Check it out!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pencils at Dawn

Following up on See Mike Draw, I present to you Pencils at Dawn, an ongoing cartoon battle between Mike and some other guy, Phil. As it says about the site: "When two cartoonists go to war, the lead will fly." What they do is use a random word generator to give them a word, then each of them submit a cartoon based on that word. You can vote on which one won in the comments section. My favs so far are "Area" and "Nowhere". Check it out!

Monday, March 24, 2008

See Mike Draw

See Mike Draw. No, really. Mike has comics and you want to see them. I promise. I could post on and on about the different ones I like, but I'll let you find your own favorites. I'll just point out this one (the wizard of oz one). And this one. Ok, that's it...check it out for yourself.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Phil Schwartz, distinguished Gator alum, runs a blog for his consultancy dealing in internet marketing. Most posts are always quite amusing, especially his lists of enlightening stats. Check it out, and tell him I sent you there.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


PostSecret is really cool in a semi-voyeuristic kind of way. As the website puts it, PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. Some are funny, some are sad, some make you think. Everything is completely anonymous. It provides an avenue for people to admit to things they'd otherwise be embarrassed to say. Always worth a few minutes to go through and read them - makes you realize, in many instances, you're not the only one.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Ok, back after a week off spent interviewing in New York. Anyway, blog of the day is Indexed. Done by Jessica Hagy. She puts all these wonderful little truths and realizations in diagrams and graphs on index cards - quite amusing. She's even got a book out showcasing some of her work. I think she may even have a little bit of love for the Gators here, but it could possibly be the Fighting Illini, from what I read. Anyway, check it out!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Advertising Lab

Advertising Lab is a blog about all this really cool technology that can in some way or another be related to advertising. Some speculation, some about stuff actually going on, like NXT, but all really cool. It's written by an emerging media strategist at Hill, Holliday in Boston. Makes sense, as he's getting paid to find out about stuff like this.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Ok, I found this really cool product, and I thought I'd share it: NXT. And I can technically post about it because it does have a blog, though it's empty save for a test post with some comments. Check out what Advertising Lab had to say about it (and now I'll have to post Advertising Lab tomorrow...).

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Came across this on Neatorama. Weemade is a blog that lets people post up children's artwork. Some pretty cute, fun stuff. Provides lots of good inspiration for things if you look at it long enough. One of the keys to unlocking creativity is to think like a child, so check it out!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Suicide Bots

Described as "Hot Bot on Bot Action," Suicide Bots brings you all you ever wanted (or didn't know you wanted) to know about robots. Don't know why it's called Suicide Bots. I don't see any robots killing themselves. Lot of fun, interesting videos and pictures (and a couple boring ones too). I liked this one video where a dog takes on a robot to Mario-inspired sound effects. Scoring was a little suspect, but the concept was fun. Another fun thing was a remote control/potentially autonomous drink delivering robot.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rooster Teeth

Interesting name. Rooster Teeth. Don't remember where it came from. They're the guys who brought you Red vs. Blue, the famous Halo machinima series. What I love about the site, though, is all the goofy, nerdy comics. And all the video game talk. Maybe because I understand them. Oh well.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I stumbled across Neatorama today following up something I read about the agency Mother London. What I found was a blog full of the most random yet interesting stuff I'd ever seen! The Last Supper, in Lego, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and 2nd grader form! A bar that hosted a Mario Party, complete with drinks named Yoshii, Bowser, and Princess Peach! And exactly what bra Oprah prefers! (that last one is for you, liz) Anyway, check it out!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Kicking things off!

Adweek's Adfreak.

I tend to start my day checking out AdFreak. Updated multiple times a day with fun and interesting tidbits that have some connection to the ad industry (most of the time). Plenty of videos, print ads, and other interesting stories and media.